Thursday, November 1, 2012


During my research to provide a more cohesive user experience with regards to the connectivity of the Sleeping Pods to the Main Building I observed a fundamental difference in the structure of a village that directly responded to the underlying terrain. I noticed that villages constructed on steep slopes were more likely to be constructed in a linear fashion, or along a contour. One would also assume this is to take full advantage of natural ventilation, access natural light and to take full advantage of the view. In comparison villages constructed on flat terrain are likely to be circular in shape, this could be attributed to the exposed nature of these sites and the inhabitants attempts to create some protection form the elements and attack from other tribes or even the wildlife.

As a result of these findings and due to the fact that the Woodford site is steep the design of my layout will be linear in fashion.

Flat Sides Round In Nature, Communal Living in the center.


Steeper Sites, Often Linear in setup.

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