Sunday, July 29, 2012

WEEK 01 - Future Scenario Week 01


This project outline a future scenario were an ex Soviet Arktika Icebreaker was setup as a global finance experiment. With the aim of providing a story line that depicted the rise and fall of world powers culmnating in a day that a global financial system was adopted. The story was interesting however the most compeling part was the timeline fror this project as it was a very effective way to cominicate a lot of information in an engaging and interesting way. (see timeline below)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

WEEK 01 - Architectural Fiction

Key Concepts I got out of the first Lecture:

  • "Learn to Explore and Explore to Learn"

  • The need for Architects to respond to future needs, often we design for the now but by the time the project is delivered following, planning, design, approvals and construction the building may be out dated and more suitable technologies available. So in essence remember to look to the future. The Diagram below illustrates this concept.

    • Do not be affraid to try something new, the best way to learn is by making mistakes.

      quote by: George Bernard Shaw